Campo Password

Estoy utilizando el user setting appsheet para inicio de sesión y quiero que el campo contraseña el tipo de letra sea con un asterisco o otra letra que no muestre el texto digitado

0 14 182

Not possible at this time in AppSheet. 

Muchas Gracias

It will be very useful though

For what purpose would you like to use such a feature?

IMO, some people try to trick the system to not pay the required licences:

This is clearly unadvised:

User Settings: The Essentials - AppSheet Help

There are companies that cant afford a corporate email for each operational member. So the administrative members/bosses of a teamwork only get this email.  ASme happens with devices (phnes, IPADs, tablets,  cpu). So the team shared the usermail of the boss but log with a created user un usersettings.

With this feature there will be no problem when an 'operational user' log in the same device with others co-worker looking the monitor.  For security purpose.

@Luis_Rodriguez_ wrote:

With this feature there will be no problem when an 'operational user' log in the same device with others co-worker looking the monitor.  For security purpose.

This approach means the company doesn't really care to know who is logging in.  It would be just as secure (which is not very) as creating a Public app and making each employee "promise" to never share the link with anyone else.

@Luis_Rodriguez_ wrote:

There are companies that cant afford a corporate email for each operational member.

Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, etc --- accounts are free!   


@WillowMobileSys wrote:

This approach means the company doesn't really care to know who is logging in.

No, each worker would have an user to log by usersettings, but in the devices they use, the log in to APPSHEET app must be done with the usermail acount (corporate) of the boss. So when Carlos Lopez need to  addd data he choose his name in the usersettins view and enter with his own password. 


@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, etc --- accounts are free! 

They are free indeed, but companies uses their own corparete domain, so only the account given by the company may use and access the source of the data. Like sharepoint or google drive bussiness. Its for security purpose.

I don't want to add more comments just that this goes against ToS if I recall correctly

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Luis_Rodriguez_ wrote:

No, each worker would have an user to log by usersettings, but in the devices they use, the log in to APPSHEET app must be done with the usermail acount (corporate) of the boss. So when Carlos Lopez need to  addd data he choose his name in the usersettins view and enter with his own password. 

This would be a violation of the AppSheet terms of service. It would also not be secure.

So this video must be banned:

how to create a login on usersettings 

Of course, but it was made by an unofficial youtube channel, what can we do?

@SkrOYC wrote:

what can we do?

Make it useless. 

Someone in the staff team must check this available function. Its kind of ironic that the App allows a way to violate its own ToS.

Here is another: 30 free users per app not deployed 

There will always be people trying to bend the rules, it's not the ruler's fault

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