Can I Create Links to Different Tables and Maps in My Primary View in AppSheet

I currently have an app set-up that is a basic 2-view app for individuals in my company to look up different job sites based on a list view and a map view.  What I would like to do is create a table that is the first view with a list of different cities our company has projects in.  Then when someone clicks on a city in that table, I would want it to be basically how the app is set-up right now with both a list view and a map view, but just for job sites in that city.  I wasn't sure if anyone had any ideas on how to do that.  My thought was maybe putting each city's job sites in its' own tab in the Google sheet and maybe a "menu" page in the Google sheet that linked to each tab, but that didn't seem to work.  

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Well, the idea you mentioned above is not ideal and is not respecting the normalization rules. Note that AppSheet doesn't require a full normalized database but it plays better when it's normalized (generally speaking).

Now, you need another view serving as the pre-list/map view, where the cities are. This needs to be a new table.

Then you need an action of "Go to another view whitin this app" with a LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() or LINKTOROW() (I think the last one will do the trick)

If this is too much, don't hesitate to post your config and other stuff for others to help

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