Can I force Onboarding view to go back to first slide upon close?

I use the Onboarding view for simple step by step instructions for entering data. The default behavior is to reopen where the user left off, EVEN if that is the last page.

I want to capture the close, from the X or the DONE and reset it to go back to screen/page 1. Is this possible?

2 6 264

Click done on the post

Unfortunately, even when a user goes through all the screens and gets to the last one where DONE is visible. Clicking it closes the onboarding view but when the user opens the view again, it is showing the last screen. It does not go back to the beginning. And I canโ€™t find a way to capture the DONE button action.

Iโ€™d call that a bug.

Attn @Arthur_Rallu @Mike_Moss (?)

Yes, that seems sensible. We want to change that behavior.

It happens on both of my accounts: Requests-1778436 and Prayer-3549029, under side menu.

Also, is there any way force it to go back to the beginning each time?

This bug is definetly still present, Any updates ?

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