Can I use my current Google account to have chat bot added to my appsheets account?

I currently have a google account through my company.  In that account I have a primary email address and my secondary.  My primary account email is NOT the one I use here in Appsheets.  I think that is why I cannot see the chat bot icon in my apps development area.  I read that you MUST have Google Workspace linked to this account.  I do, but again my primary email is different than the one I use at work (Different domains).  Reason?  My company switched domains a few years back, however I kept the same domain as the old domain is linked to ALL my Onedrive account info.   I honestly do not know what my options are at this point.  I do have a Google workspace account, however the primary account email is NOT the one I use for my Appsheets accounts.  Any thoughts/ help would be greatly appreciated.

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You need a GAccount inside Workspace in order to create Chat apps

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