Can pictures in Excel be read in the app?



As you can see, we have pictures in the excel table, now we want to use it in AppSheet, can it be done?


Meaning, I understand AppSheet stores pictures as a URL link of the images inside the database, however, these are new fresh made excel and the pictures are already inside as it is, so can it be done?

If not, how to automate this mundane work, since we have more than a thousand lines of images in this Excel sheet.


Thank you


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Hi Mr Marc,

Thank you for the fast reply.

Do you have any suggestions how to upload them all in bulk? Since there are more than 5000 items in our tools inventory.


Does AppSheet provide a solution for this?

Or do we have to manually upload them one by one?


Thank you sir!

Host the pictures somewhere. Get the URLs into a table. Consider Power Automate, Office Script, Apps Script, or something similar to create a routine to do it all in bulk.

I just wondered how you are currently showing images inside the cell of Excel. AFAIK, it can be achieved by adding ADD-on or expternal service provided by the third parties. Excel can not natively achieve this while Google Sheet does have IMAGE() expression.



Hi sir, this has not been converted into AppSheet yet. This is just a bare excel file im sharing.

So you are saying it can be done? Can you kindly help explain in details of your solution? 

I will look more into it.

Promising stuff!

As you can see, there will be duplicated images, how to solve this also?

I understand a single row is to define the subject, but what if the subjects have the same images?

Also, say we have 1000 screwdrivers, with the same picture, how to go about this ya?

Excel just rolled out the IMAGE() function

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