Card view bug ?

Hello Community ๐Ÿ‘‹

I have a card view large with the setup below left empty.

Screenshot 2023-07-25 at 8.21.24 PM.png

Upon reviewing the layout, it appears that there is a considerable blank space without any apparent reason. The issue arises due to one of the card titles having more lines of text, which disrupts the overall formatting and professionalism of the design.

To rectify this, we need to make adjustments to the layout to ensure a consistent and polished appearance. Addressing this formatting concern will enhance the overall professionalism of the presentation. Could anyone please clarify if the observed behavior is a bug or intended functionality?

Screenshot 2023-07-25 at 8.19.32 PM.png

Thank You !

2 2 149
  • UX

In your screenshot, you have the large logo area selected and Column To Show section looks like it is undefined.  Try setting that section to be None?

I believe if the section is set to be None then the output is removed upon display, whereas if the section is undefined (Column to show) a placeholder is left in the display?

When I select none thats what is showing. I switched between multiple options there and it still same when I select none.

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