Change Date format

Hello Community Team,


I need your help with changing the date format from (mm/dd/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy).

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Hello everyone,

After changing the DATA locale from USA to IND, the issue was resolved. Also, note that you don't need to change any formula from today().





View solution in original post

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Locale settings should take care of Date and Numeric formats for you automatically.

Please note that this was suggested in very first response to your post.  Maybe it wasn't clear what this meant?  If so, simply ask,,,we are all here to help.  The important thing is that you got to the easy solution in the end.

@RSHARM01 wrote:

Now I am getting this error ...

Even though you resolved your initial problem, your error is another learning opportunity. 

The issue causing the error is that you placed the function INSIDE of column name delimiters in the template.

The initial problem expression:

<<[TEXT(Today(), "dd/mm/yyyy")]>>

Square brackets, "[ ]", are used to designate column names and are not required in this expression.  The correct syntax, in a template, is:

<<TEXT(Today(), "dd/mm/yyyy")>>



View solution in original post


Locale settings should take care of Date and Numeric formats for you automatically.

If that doesn't apply for your app, then you can use the TEXT() function with a Date format string.  Click the link for more details and implementation examples.

It,'s not working 

Please show what you have tried.

Actually, I'm confused how to go?


TEXT([YourDateColumn], "dd/mm/yyyy")

Incase if it is action

([ORDER DATE],"dd/mm/yyyy ")

(Today(), "dd/mm/yyyy ")

If this didn't work. Please share the table screenshot


Hii  @jaichith 


I tried your formula but still it's not working



I think @jaichith might have shortcut things. His suggested items are to be used with the TEXT() function.

TEXT(Today(), "dd/mm/yyyy")


I think still it's not working the date should take automatically  RSHARM01_0-1695438047237.png


TEXT() returns a text string which is not a Date type.

I am not sure if you can manipulate the format of a Date column other than tweaking your device locale.




It works for me  !!!!

For more reference:

Please check for Gsheet , Table locale. This can inhibit your results.



Date, Time, and DateTime formats in apps

Date, Time, and DateTime formats are displayed in AppSheet apps based on:

  1. Your mobile device's locale when running your app on a mobile device.
  2. Your browser's language setting when running your app in a browser."


If you are using chrome go to chrome://settings/languages and make UK as your #1 language

Hello there!


I wanted to bring to your attention that when I fill out the form, the date format appears correct. However, when I receive the email, the format of the date changes and the data source also aappears to be different like email. For your reference, I have attached an image.





As mentioned by @WillowMobileSys please put TEXT(Today(), "dd/mm/yyyy") in your email body/email template 


Now I am getting this error 





Hello everyone,

After changing the DATA locale from USA to IND, the issue was resolved. Also, note that you don't need to change any formula from today().





For long time we were insisting this For changing locale. 

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Locale settings should take care of Date and Numeric formats for you automatically.

Please note that this was suggested in very first response to your post.  Maybe it wasn't clear what this meant?  If so, simply ask,,,we are all here to help.  The important thing is that you got to the easy solution in the end.

@RSHARM01 wrote:

Now I am getting this error ...

Even though you resolved your initial problem, your error is another learning opportunity. 

The issue causing the error is that you placed the function INSIDE of column name delimiters in the template.

The initial problem expression:

<<[TEXT(Today(), "dd/mm/yyyy")]>>

Square brackets, "[ ]", are used to designate column names and are not required in this expression.  The correct syntax, in a template, is:

<<TEXT(Today(), "dd/mm/yyyy")>>



hi i  cant find the data locale option here in my app sheet setting. can anybody help me please? 

@moc1212 wrote:

hi i  cant find the data locale option here in my app sheet setting. can anybody help me please? 

It is under the table settings...

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 8.41.14 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 8.39.16 AM.png


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