Change Field Title font size

Hi guys, so one of my clients requested to make field titles bigger. Does anyone know a way to do so? See sample below.








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The option is below. But please be aware the settings apply globally across the entire app.



Thank you for this suggestion but unfortunately this is not the solution we're looking for. You see, we need to be able to make the Field title bigger but maintain the input's font size. 

This setting also affect's the input's font size. 

Short answer: You can't.

Per field column-name size can't be changed.

You could do some workaround like making the detail view heading-less and use show columns to add some kind of heading but it is cumbersome

Yeah we could possibly do that but unfortunately we have around 10-15 columns in one database. That would require lots of virtual columns which could affect sync time (?)

@Eduardo_Jr_Vill wrote:

That would require lots of virtual columns which could affect sync time

Show columns are blank columns and if you go the VC route it would return blank anyway ("")

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