Changing a flag in another table

I have a table Hazard related to a table Machine. Each machine can have one or more Hazards.

When editing in the Hazard form, the user can choose a Regulation number in the column Regulation.

I would like any instance of using a Regulation no in the Hazard form, when saved, to add a value to a string in the Machine table, so for example creating Hazards that had Regulations "1", "3" and "5" would create a string in the Machine table column RegCounter of "135".

How can I do this? I'm not clear what sort of Action this is and how to kick it off.

thanks for any help


0 3 117

Hi James,

If your [Regulations] column is a list : 

In your Machine table, add a virtual column [Regulations] with : number(concatenate(select(Hazard[Machine],[Machine] = [_THISROW].[Machine] )))

@JamesWB wrote:

example creating Hazards that had Regulations "1", "3" and "5"

Based on above,  presume that there is a [Regulation] column in the Hazards table.


@JamesWB wrote:

would create a string in the Machine table column RegCounter of "135".

Since Hazards is a related or child table, presume you have a system generated [Related Hazards] column in the parent Machine table.

So please create another VC called say [RegCounter] in the Machine table with an expression something like 

SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE([Related Hazards][Regulation],",","")," ","")

Where [Regulation] is the column in the "Hazards" table.

If you wish [RegCounter] in the Machine table to be a number type column , please try

NUMBER(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE([Related Hazards][Regulation],",","")," ",""))



Put this App Formula in your [RegCounter] field

CONCATENATE([Related Hazards][Regulation])
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