Check for space in input


I have a name field where the user needs to Input First Name + Last Initial. eg(John B) I need to validate the field to make sure they entered the last initial and not just the first name.(john)

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@AleksiAlkio wrote:

Do you mean LEN() instead if COUNT()?

Yes I did!

LEN(INDEX(SPLIT([Name], " "), 1)) > 1,
LEN(INDEX(SPLIT([Name], " "), 2)) = 1


View solution in original post


This might be difficult if a person has two first names - such as Mary Lou or Jim Bob.

However, if you are willing to ignore those, then you can use a validation expression like this:

COUNT(INDEX(SPLIT([Name], " "), 1)) > 1,
COUNT(INDEX(SPLIT([Name], " "), 2)) = 1

This is splitting the input by the space.  Then checks if the First Name portion, position 1, has more than a single character.  And that  position 2 has only a single character.

You can use the messaging to explain what input is expected should the validation fail.

@WillowMobileSys Do you mean LEN() instead if COUNT()?

@AleksiAlkio wrote:

Do you mean LEN() instead if COUNT()?

Yes I did!

LEN(INDEX(SPLIT([Name], " "), 1)) > 1,
LEN(INDEX(SPLIT([Name], " "), 2)) = 1


It happens easily ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thank you! it worked great!

Would having two fields (first_name and last_name_initial) and making them required work?

Just a thought.

@TeeSee1 wrote:

Would having two fields (first_name and last_name_initial) and making them required work?

Yes that is an option as well.  These would then be combined.  So you would have 3 columns/fields instead of just the 1.  

Personally, since this seems to just be an identifier of the person, I would keep just the single column.  If I were recording full names, I would implement it as you suggested and have the 3rd column to combine. 


@WillowMobileSys wrote:

This might be difficult if a person has two first names - such as Mary Lou or Jim Bob.

As you so aptly pointed out.. A two fields solution solves this.

I am curious though how this particular name format is helpful. 

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