Column disappears in form view


I have the next problem.

The column Lote disappears when the app formula can't find the value.
For my app this is a big problem because the user assumes that everything is fine when it is not.

I need to show a column even if it's empty, but I don't now how to do it.


I really need some help here, please. 


0 7 95

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

You can force the display of a column by setting the column's Show? expression to TRUE.

I tried, but doesn't work. Has the same behavior.



Consider whether the "Apply show-if constraints universally" view setting is relevant.



I desabled thats option and the behavior of the column was the same.

What is the App formula expression for the Lote column? Is it App formula, or do you mean Initial value?

Hi Steve

I'm using "App formula" whit a LOOKUP function, because I don't want that the user change this value.

But the mainly problem is, when LOOKUP function can't find a value, the column dissaper, and the user assumes that everything is fine when it is not.

You'll need the column to have a value even if the LOOKUP() fails. Perhaps something like this:

  - LIST("")

Where LOOKUP(...) is your current LOOKUP() expression. #NOTFOUND can be whatever you want, and will be displayed in the uneditable input field for the column. Because the column is of type Ref, this error indicator value will be shown with a yellow triangle indicating it's an invalid reference. I've used #NOTFOUND because it's similar to what a spreadsheet would display. You should also configure the Valid If for the column to consider #NOTFOUND invalid. This will cause an error message to display and will prevent the form from being saved.

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