Column not showing in the front end app

I added a column by the name of " Alternate contact name " in the google sheet.

Now that column when I try to edit should be visible in the form. But it is not. It is visible if I am adding a new customer. But for an old customer if I edit the form it does not show, even if i fill data in it from the back end.

But in the preview section I can see it correctly but when I actually open the app, it is not working.





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Use this method

Step 1

Add a new column show_alternative column and hide it by disabling in show constraints. 

Step 2

Create an action with type set values to some of these columns

[Show_alternative column] = "NO"


Step 3

Action condition will be isblank([alternative name])

Disable confirmation 

Step 4

Go to UX of the form view and keep this newly created action as form saved action. (This you can find at the bottom )


Step 5

Go to show constraints of the [alternative contact column] 

Put this condition 

Isblank([show_alternative column])


This expression checks whether show_alternative  column is empty . 

Thanks for the input. But just a question. Isnt this a bug?

Shouldnt the field be visible in the form for old updates if the field has a value in it?

No , it is not a bug. 

I have another idea. 

There is method of Edit constraints and show constraints. This also u can try. 


Anyway, Are you enabling Desktop View ?

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