Column order - multiple moving & "insert column here"

Hi everybody,

I think this is not possible yet, but is there a way to move/reorder many columns at once, and not one at time, in the View options? 
Or insert a new column directly between two existing ones?

The reason for this request is because I have some tables with >100 columns and I need very often to move many columns at once, or if I add one column and I need to have it at the top of the list, I am forced to slide it over the other hundreds "bars".

EDIT: also a multiple deletion would be useful

For a further clarification I mean something like this:
select columnsselect columns


move at oncemove at once

And this:

direct insert columndirect insert column

(I have searched for a similar topic without any result)

Thanks in advance for your help!

0 3 125
  • UX

You may want to add this as a Feature Idea.

Btw, what's your usecase for 100+ columns?

We have a jobs table with many data/details and statuses selection, like 15 job statuses and every status need a scheduled date, a record of what user changed the status and a timestamp of the change... so 60 columns are only for this.

Every job is also linked to 8 subtables (for now, but I think they will grow ) for files, photos, etc...

About add this to a feature idea, do I need some kind of permission to do it?

@AppGP wrote:

do I need some kind of permission to do it?

Afaik you don't need any permission:

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