Column value reverts to saved data after sync

I have a column 'Invoice Hours' that gets calculated on edit based on the following formula:

TOTALHOURS(TIME([Date/Time end]) - TIME([Date/Time start])) - TOTALHOURS([float end] -[float start]) - TOTALHOURS([Maintenance end] - [Maintenance start]) - [Location].[Smoko] -[Location].[Lunch]

When I use the expression assistant and 'test' the data it calculates correctly. However the column in the data source gets updated briefly and then it defaults to the value it gets calculated in the morning when the data syncs. Note: 'Date/Time start' is a timestamp in the morning, 'Date/Time end', 'Maintenance end' and 'Maintenance start' get added in the afternoon (same record); [Smoko] and [Lunch] are constants.

Under Auto Compute I have seen this field 'Spreadsheet formula'. What does that do and do I have to apply the same formula I have in 'App formula'?

Update behavior: Editable is ticked, reset on edit is unticked

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@camodue wrote:

reset on edit is unticked

Check if it is the case in all the columns involved in your formula. 

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