Como retirar o cabeçalho das colunas para não aparecer na view?

Olá, gostaria de saber como retirar o cabeçalho do texto e inserir dentro da View type CARD.

Captura de tela 2023-06-05 012508.png

O cabeçalho vem de minha tabela, como faço para não aparecer?

Captura de tela 2023-06-05 012557.png

Captura de tela 2023-06-05 012651.png


0 3 185

It sounds that you are building a KPI like dashboard to display some summary values.

You may want to take a look at the following "Tips and Tricks" posts for building such dashboards with Card or gallery views.

Dashboarding Options With Card Views - Google Cloud Community

Dashboards with dynamic text overlay on SVG images - Google Cloud Community

However please be aware that SVG images may not render in certain OS versions.

For your current specific case also you could use some SVG type image column to display card headings as follows


The card headings is a image type VC with expression something like 

CONCATENATE("data&colon;image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="""" viewBox=""0 0 80 50"">
<rect width=""700px"" height=""20px"" fill=""rgb(67, 135, 191)""/>

<text font-family=""Verdana"" font-size=""5px"" text-anchor=""left"" fill=""white"" x=""5%"" y=""25%"">",[Product Name]," </text>


You will need to replace the [Product Name] column with column name from where you wish to populate headings. Please configure this column as main image column in the card view.





Prezado, Suvrutt, infelizmente me falta muito mais aprendizado, pois não consegui fazer pela sua expressão, tentei varias vezes (me falta muito mais estudos do appsheet).

Mas consegui algo similar com outra técnica (imagens abaixo). Agradeço a ajuda de todos e estou estudando diariamente para chegar ao nivel de vocês.

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2023-06-10 à(s) 23.54.13.jpgImagem do WhatsApp de 2023-06-10 à(s) 23.53.17.jpg


Hi @Edmundo ,

Thank you for the update. Your app views images look beautiful. You have creatively used the card view.

From your posts, it is clear that you are creative and fast learner. We all start sometime with a new platform and we all have learning curve.  I am sure you will create useful and creative apps.

Best wishes.

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