Compare list from from two tables

Hi everyone,

How can I make format rules formula which will warn me if some parts from warehouse is reserved for instalation in next few days.

I have a Warehouse table with SKU column, and the other Table is with Work Orders that contains four columns for parts(SKU1, SKU2, SKU3, SKU4)

If SKU1, SKU2, SKU3, SKU4 is equal with SKU from warehouse, than makes true


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@marko4522 wrote:

If SKU1, SKU2, SKU3, SKU4 is equal with SKU from warehouse, than makes true

Can you elaborate or even illustrate what you mean?

Likely one or more of the following techniques is relevant: IN, ISNOTBLANK/List Dereference, SELECT, SUM.

Idea was when I find some parts from warehouse table view(warehouse table), and they are in stock, but I can not see if I already reserved them for some day in future.

So I thought if SKU number from Warehouse table match that number from 4 columns from workorder table(SKU1, SKU2, SKU3, SKU4), make some format rule that show me that is already planned for instalation.


Here's a possible way to accomplish what I think you're saying.

IN([SKU], LIST(Work Orders[SKU1], Work Orders[SKU2], Work Orders[SKU3], Work Orders[SKU4]))

In reality, I imagine that you might want to reference only a subset of Work Orders rows--e.g., maybe only those that are pending completion--as well as perhaps aggregated information--e.g., the quantity of an SKU that is reserved. In those cases, you'd need a more nuanced expression, and the optimal approach likely depends on how you have--or perhaps, could--link your tables.

I have tried that, formula works, but it does not show the result.

The columns are formated as text, format rules are ok too.

I tried to do the NOT IN funcion, and then it highlights all the SKU-s

@marko4522 wrote:

I have tried that, formula works, but it does not show the result.

The columns are formated as text, format rules are ok too.

I still don't understand clearly what you're trying to accomplish or what's not working about what you've tried. I suggest posting screenshots of the column editor for each table and of your app UI, along with some indication of what you want the format rule to apply to.

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