Conditional Push Notification to all users

Hi everyone,

I have build an inventory app to keep track of our barrel availability. To do so i created a virtual column call "Total available Stock" witch has the number of barrels available at every moment.

I want to create a push notifications to all users when that number goes under certain value so i did the following: 

Captura de Pantalla 2022-06-01 a la(s) 11.04.22.png

I created a bot with a condition that if the value of that column is lower than 350 for a specific id value generates an action. That value depends on the movements of the inventory table but the column is created at the items table.

Condition -> AND([Item ID].[Total Stock Disponible] < 350, [Item ID] = "item-123")

Captura de Pantalla 2022-06-01 a la(s) 11.29.06.png

The action is to send a notification to the user with my email. Here i want to send it to all users.

I tried but it didn't work, any ideas of what im doing wrong?

Thanks for the help!

Solved Solved
0 4 203

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Virtual columns cannot be used to trigger Automation.

View solution in original post


Virtual columns are a bit tricky when it comes to how they are updated. It's possible that you'd need to add your automation to trigger off of the event that would change the virtual column, rather than if the virtual column itself changed. 

If the app has many events that can change the virtual column, you might be better off adding the column to your database. 

Your issue seems very similar to this one which didn't get resolved 😞

Thanks for the link KG,

Im going to try it anyway, maybe it works but he forgot to mark it as solved jaja.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Virtual columns cannot be used to trigger Automation.

Thanks Steve

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