Conditional Relationships? Getting my tables to 'talk better'.

Hi I'm working on my first app, a basic camper van touring/campsite trip planner. It was fun but now I'm just getting frustrated because my ambition exceeds my skills by a mile here.

Here is my issue. I believe it's very simple to fix but I don't know how.

I have a main table called "Trip Planning". This table has multiple columns made up of dropdown lists, formulas, text fields, date fields etc. One of the dropdowns is "County" which is used as one type of slice to view suggestions and plans/bookings by County.

I've just added another table called "Attractions" which is growing list of various attractions available. This table also has the same "County" Dropdown.
So far, so normal.

I'm trying to link these tables whereby when a trip entry is created (in either suggestion or booking mode) and, in the "Trip Planning" table when its "County" is selected via the dropdown, then that new entry will automatically pull all of the available attractions in the "Attractions" table for that County.

I think I have set up some of this. I've linked them basically, One Ref and an automatic virtual column in Trip Planning has been created.. So, I can manually do this, (as in show related entries).
But I'm still very fuzzy on relationship data, particularly conditional relationship data and I just can't figure it out.

Any advice appreciated!

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If Iโ€™m understanding correctly, you want a form with two drop down lists. The first list provides context that is used to define a subset of suggested values for the second list.  Much like selecting a country from a list might then contextualize the list for a subsequent province/state field. 
So the attractions will be an enumlist field in your form.  It will use ref as the base value type and will list whatever the label field(s) are in your attraction table.  A calculation that returns a list for the Suggested Values in the attractions enumlist should enable you to define the contextualized subset of attractions.  
Iโ€™m not sure about whether the suggested list calculation will be re-run automatically after the county enum value is updated. If not, perhaps youโ€™ll need to hide the attractions enumlist until after a value is applied to the county enum. 
Hope this helps!

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