Connecting Apigee with Appsheet

Hi, thanks for reading a long post. I am trying to connect Apigee API proxy with Appsheet in order to send data from API proxy to Appsheet. I am following this documentation: Apigee Data Source | AppSheet Help Center. So, I am able to make a connection using Manual option, but when I use the sample json, Appsheet throws an error : Table 'tableName' must specify a schema. I tried adding Javascript policy: Apigee with Appsheet - Google Cloud Community,  but would need further help. Any ideas?


"tableName": [


"ID": 1,

"TextValue": "Test1",

"DecimalValue": 1.10,

"DateTime": "1/1/2016 1:01:01 AM",

"PhoneValue": "111 111 1111",

"EmailValue": ""



"ID": 2,

"TextValue": "Test2",

"DecimalValue": 1.11,

"DateTime": "2/1/2016 1:01:01 AM",

"PhoneValue": "111 112 1111",

"EmailValue": ""







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If I remember right, the part at the start, where you have "tableName", this actually needs to be the table you're trying to access.


I am getting an error:  Data table 'appsheet ' is not accessible due to: Apigee: Could not infer column types: empty. My table name is appsheet

Any help on this would be much appreciated. @Koichi_Tsuji and  @Scott_Haaland

Set ups for Apigee / Appsheet integration is not an easy job.

I suspect your proxy (Apigee) is not return the valid json which AppSheet can consume. In that case, you need to add Javascript policy to convert the original JSON (your api returns) into the one AppSheet can read.

I am able to connect Apigee with Appsheet using OpenAPI spec. I am using the default OpenAPI spec as stated in the docs: Apigee Data Source | AppSheet Help Center. Is there a way through which I can determine the primary key of the table from the OpenAPI spec? or is there a way I can specify custom primary key for the table?

Hi, I still cannot figure out what the default OpenAPI spec is so I can connect AppSheet to Apigee X. Are you using Apigee X or the new version of Edge (Hybrid)? Which URL did you find or modify in the documentation? Thank you!

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