Consistent Nested Task Table for Every Record Created in Another Table

Hi, I'm attempting to generate a standard task checklist for every record created in my main table (Clients). So multiple tasks to each client.  I would also like to nest the task list on the Client detail view.

I've done something similar, nesting a related action item list for a Meeting (main table); however, the actions were added by the user so I just had the meeting ID as the ref field to link the two. In the new scenario, I want the standard task list to autogenerate for the user, but still be tied to the main record in order to nest. 

I created a second table called Tasks, with "Client ID" (ref field to Client table), "Task", "Complete?". I created an Action for the main Client table To: "data: add a new row to another table ...", Table to add to = Tasks. For "set these cols..", I have an expression to pull Client ID of referenced client (this works), then I added the value for each Task. Created a bot to run the action anytime a new client was added to client table. When tested, it populated the correct client ID but only added the last task of all the tasks I added into the action. 

There is probably a more straightforward way to go about this. Any ideas are appreciated! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Hello there @jgiangra, the solution I propose is kind of hard to explain, but fortunately Matt has already made a video about it, looping with actions:

I prepared a sample app for your specific use case that you can check out as well, here's the link:

Basically I created a new table (Default Tasks) and I loop around the rows in that table adding them to the (Tasks) table with the reference to the newly added (Client) entry, let me know if you have any questions.

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