Control Whether a Form can be editable or not

Hi .. I have fildes which I want to no longer be editable , when I mark "Complete" in [Status] column

know that I use Editable_If expression as solution but for columns which contain "REF_ROWS" formula it does not work with

any suggestions please how to control whether these fileds to be editable or not



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What you have to do is 

1. Make one more such ref_row column with a different name.......and give it a show if expression stating to show if a certain condition is met in another column......and make this slice column a view only


2. make the 1st column which you had where you entered data, with a show_if expression to show if the condition is met....


so for instance the original ref_row will show when status is say Pending..........when status is dissappears and the 2nd ref_row shows up(which is view only.

View solution in original post


For Reference Rows like the above,

Go to Behavior, Actions. 

Go to the Bottom and ensure "Show System Actions".

Go to the child table (which is shown as table above). 

There is an action "Add", Click on it. 

Go to Behavior - There is "Only if this condition is true" - click on it - 

Type [parent table ref].[Status] # "Complete"

In [parent table ref] type your column which contains the Ref column of parent table.  


If you just want to remove it from being displayed in the form, then you can use a slice / show can be turned off for this column.

Thank you  Srikanth_S . I want to control related avance column in form to NOTbe edited 

I try some formulas but I think maybe I don't know how to make it  :

I go on Only if this condition is true you said I type :

[invoice].[Status] # "Complet"     error message 😞

LOOKUP([_THISROW].[id_avance],“invoice”,“id_invoice”,“status”) #“complet  Add button disappear completely 😞

Can you help me to set a right formula please .. thank you


I was not sure exactly what you were looking for.  I made a few assumptions like below.

1) On the Detail view of those Invoice rows with status "complet",  you do not want to show the add button for avance.

  • Set the system generated Add to "Do not display" <- This Add action, which is attached to the table avance, cannot be controlled based on the values of individual avance rows because it is NOT a row-level action.
  • Create a Add Avance action (name it as you like) for Invoice using "Data: add a new row to another table by using values from this row", You can prepopulate [invoice_id] and others as you like (you can use Initial Value also). Then in "Only if this condition is true" of this action, set [status] = "No", meaning you can add avance rows only if the [status] of the Invoice row is "No".

2) You do not want those avance rows whose parent Invoice row's [status] is set to "complet" to be edited.

  • You set the "Only if this condition is true" of the system generated Edit action of avance to [invoice_id].[status] = "No" (could be [invoice_id].[status] <> "complet" ..)


Hope this works for you.

What you have to do is 

1. Make one more such ref_row column with a different name.......and give it a show if expression stating to show if a certain condition is met in another column......and make this slice column a view only


2. make the 1st column which you had where you entered data, with a show_if expression to show if the condition is met....


so for instance the original ref_row will show when status is say Pending..........when status is dissappears and the 2nd ref_row shows up(which is view only.


Thanks for letting us know!

I just inspired from your great suggestion , it helps me thank for you all  🙂

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