Count duplicates

Hi! I want to count the number of responses for a form with Enum options "1", "2", "3". How could i write it in a formula? i.e. I want to count how many number responded "1", "2", etc. Hoping for replies.

Thank you.

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  • @dbaum answer has the double benefit to count duplicates and to show them in  a graph. If you only want to sum them up, as an alternative, you could use SUM() + SELECT() ie something like this for each different value SUM(SELECT([COLUMN_WITH_VALUES], [COLUMN_WITH_VALUES]=1, FALSE)) 


Also, consider instead using a view's Grouping function. In a Table or Deck type view based on the table with the Enum column, select that column for the Group by property and then select "COUNT::{that column}" for the Group aggregate property.

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