Creating Mutliple Rows in a Target Table

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to please know how I can create multiple rows in a target table please?

For example, I have task table where a set of Task rows in which each one will have state column for a state of a country. The Task will also have a project column too, where each create task will have the same Project name copied into it from a Project Table, along with the State column. So for example: the task table should basically create a task table like this:

1 Roadwork NSW
2 Roadwork VIC
3 Roadwork QLD
4 Roadwork WA
5 Roadwork SA
6 Roadwork TAS
7 Roadwork NT
8 Roadwork ACT

What is the best way to acheive this if I have a Project Table, as Task Table, and a State Table (containing a range of states) please?



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