Creating an App

Hi, I want to create a simple app but am having trouble. 

Basically I want to be able to track practical completion for trainees on the go. 

I would like each of our trainers to have access. 

When they open up the app they see the trainees names

They click on a trainee and see a list of tasks under header and subheader and a complete/not complete status, when a topic is covered they click on it and can can change to complete, initial and date it. 

Thats all to do but i can't seam to get it to line up. Can someone help me. 



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Absolutely we can help!  But it is very difficult, from a high-level text description, to understand exactly where you are facing issues.  

Please elaborate..what do you mean by...

@AnthonyKyte75 wrote:

i can't seam to get it to line up

Images are best (videos even better) to SHOW us the problem you are facing.  But if that is not sufficient to describe the problem then you will want to describe the SPECIFIC issue you are currently experiencing  as clearly as possible using images to support your description where plausible.


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