Customed app inventory & orders


I'm trying to create an app which can manage my inventory levels as well as my production orders. 

For example I'd like to be able to order a certain product, which would be linked with a table of materials. Ordering would then automatically deduct the amount of different materials parts in the materials table and also establishing a PDF at the end to know the list of materials parts needed for my order.

Is there a way to do that ? 

Thank you all !!! 

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Welcome to the community.

You can certainly do all of what you describe.

You can start by studying some demo/template apps like this one.

Thanks a lot for your answer !

I'm currently working on this template but I miss the part to connect the production order and the automatic inventory change.

Do you know how to link all these actions :

- create order from the 'products' table (one order can call multiple materials parts)

- deduct the materials parts in the materials inventory table

- after the global order generate a PDF with the total amount of materials parts needed.

Many thanks ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Here are a few articles that you can refer to that are relevant to what you are seeking to do (you many need other techniques but you can ask further questions when you have more specific questions based on your use case)

Create an order with multiple products..

To choose products use a dropdown

You can use actions to update values based on another table.

To create a PDF

See "Creating and saving files"



Thank you I'll check this out ๐Ÿ™‚

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