Dashboard prevent full screen when editing a submission

I have a dashboard setup for my desktop computer. Currently I have a calendar view and a service request list view. Currently if I click the edit icon in the service request list of one of submitted forms that form will open full screen. i am trying to prevent this and to only have the form fill up half the screen so I can still view my calendar on the dashboard. Is this possible? Appreciate any help. Thank you



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if understanding of your requirement is correct, you could enable quick edit on table view so as to manage the changes within the dashboard view. However please note that quick edit for table view is in beta stage , so please use with caution on production apps. So you will need to have your service list as a table view for making it possible. 


The screenshot below shows the dashboard view with quick edit enabled on the table (list) view.


Another option you could try is if you have not many columns to edit in the dashboard view in the service list, you could include some inline actions ( with INPUT() function) to make changes in the list view.

The screenshots below show the inline actions and inline actions with INPUT() function.






Form views can't be part of a Dashboard. Only way I can think of is to use an INPUT() pop-up for edittng, instead of a Form view.

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