Dashboard with Data from 2 Tables


I have one table with patient and doctors data : PERSON, and pk is personID
I have a table for Patient treatment: BEHANDLUNG, and pk is behandlungsID

personID is FK in table BEHANDLUNG (one to many relationship)

If a patient get a treatment (BEHANDLUNG), a docter must be assigned to that treatment. There is a dropdownbox and referencing to that doctor from table PERSON with a validIf expression: SELECT(PERSON[PersonID],[PERSONA] = โ€œArztโ€, TRUE)

If I create a Dashboard from the Table Person (doctors only) and with a dynamic interaction to table BEHANDLUNG, I want to click on a Docter (as Master) and want to see the details of the table BEHANDLUNG.

Unfortunately this doesnโ€™t work as there is not PERSON reference key from a doctor in the table BEHANDLUNG.

Is there a workaround for that?

Thank you,

0 6 93
  • UX

I need to see which and how many treatments a doctor has conducted in the past period

You have both โ€œPatientsโ€ and โ€œDoctorsโ€ stored in the same Person Table, correct?

I would assume then that your Behandlung Table would have not one, but two columns that are a Ref to the Person Table, one for the DoctorID, and one for PatientID. Is that not the case?

I just created a test scenario with a parent Table, and a child Table with 2 Ref columns to the parent. It appears that interactive dashboard only works for one of the two Ref columns. I canโ€™t be certain but it seems to be only for the first Ref column. I thought selecting โ€œisPartOfโ€ on the second one would change the behavior, but it did not. I was able to get it to work by changing the first Ref column to Enum w/ base-type as Ref, and that did change the behavior, so that the interactive dashboard filtered by the second Ref column instead. Not sure if that will work for your scenario.

Another option would be for your interactive dashboard to be a table and detail Views of the same Table, and set the detail View to only show the [Relatedโ€ฆ] VC for those records related by DoctorID.

Thx for your help so far! In your first advise (change from ref to enum) I then have only the Idโ€™s in the list and not the referenced name of the Docter. Iโ€™ll need to try to other one instead.


What? I donโ€™t know what youโ€™re describing, please provide a screenshot.


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