Date is Null

I have this script in the request date column. But if the fill is blank, the message:" this entry is invalid" How to solve this? IF([Status da Solicitacao] = Entregue, TODAY(), "null")I need the form to accept a null date if this is the condition... 

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Initial Value formula for column Data Inicio (Date)
IF([Status da Solicitacao] = Em Andamento, TODAY(), "")

Initial Value formula for column Data Termino (Date)
IF([Status da Solicitacao] = Entregue, TODAY(), "")

Could you help me to better these two conditions? After activation, a value is deleted according to the selection of the field "request status"

View solution in original post


Please try

IF([Status da Solicitacao] = "Entregue", TODAY(), "")

 I tried this way it didn't work...

Could you elaborate what you mean by " it didn't work..."

It should work. However please note that a blank value will not show in detail view. So if a date is blank , it will not show in the detail view.

Below are test results




Please post the screenshot of the column settings where you are using this expression.

If you want it in a user editable column, please have the expression in the initial value of the column.



I had actually requested for other settings of the date column as well. Anyway, please do not mark the column as "Required" because you wish to have blank value in the column. Required" setting needs some date value to be present in the column. That is why you are getting that error.

but the required column is disabled...

As requested, please post all the settings of the date column.

After a few attempts I managed to follow your request IF([Request Status] = "Delivered", TODAY(), "").
The problem now, when I save the form without typing the date, when I return to the same form and mark the request status field as "In Progress" the "start date" field is not automatically filled in with the date of the day...

Please enable reset on edit in that column.



How do I do this reset activation?


Initial Value formula for column Data Inicio (Date)
IF([Status da Solicitacao] = Em Andamento, TODAY(), "")

Initial Value formula for column Data Termino (Date)
IF([Status da Solicitacao] = Entregue, TODAY(), "")

Could you help me to better these two conditions? After activation, a value is deleted according to the selection of the field "request status"

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