Deep link to map pin view

Hello, I need to create an action that will take the user to the map pin view for a record when they click the action button.  I can get the action button to send the user to the map view, but no matter what I try, it won't select the particular location's pin, which is what I need it to do.  In other words, if they're in the detail view for FL Orlando-Forsyth Rd, and they click the action button, it should take them exactly here:


But instead I get this, with no pin selected and a weird, blank half-detail view on the right:


I've tried several different expressions for the action button, but here's what I'm on now:

linktorow([WD Location],"Map")

Any help is much appreciated!  Thanks!



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Thank you. In that case, please try the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW()  deep link action, something like

LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Map", [Shop Number]= [_THISROW].[WD Location])


View solution in original post


Could you mention if the [Address] is an address type column and if so, is there a system generated action called something like View Map (Address) in the app?

If that action is available, please use that action to navigate to the desired map with the pin for that address.

Yes, that is available *in the map view* (it seems to be kind of weird because the editor won't allow you to see or edit that particular action for some reason, FWIW).  What I'm trying to accomplish is having an action button from a different detail view elsewhere in the app that transports the user to the map and highlights the related pin automatically.  They could then click the system-generated GPS directions/routing action button from there.  Users will not typically be working from the map view, and when it's needed, I don't want them to have to hunt down the pin they want manually (as you can see, there are a lot of pins).  Is there any way for a deep link to the map view to pre-highlight a particular pin in the same way that a deep link to any other view can be focused on a particular row?  I wish the documentation of more "advanced" Appsheet features was more robust.  I find myself having to ask these sorts of questions a lot, or dink around for hours trying to figure out things that just aren't in the documentation.

@Patrick_Paul wrote:

button from a different detail view elsewhere in the app that transports the user to the map and highlights the related pin automatically

There should be some relation between the tables? The table of the detail view from where the user needs to navigate to the map view ' s table. Could you mention that meaning how the two tables are related?

Yes, the "source" table has a ref field into the "target" table that the map runs off of.  It's just a strictly primary-key to foreign-key relationship.  The "source" table has a [WD Location] Ref field that ties to the key field [Shop Number] in the directory data table.

Thank you. In that case, please try the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW()  deep link action, something like

LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Map", [Shop Number]= [_THISROW].[WD Location])


This worked!  Thank you!

You are welcome.

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