Dependent Dropdowns w/o valid if?


I'm building some workflow management (already in place, want to improve), and I'm unsure how to accomplish something. Here's the data I'm working with.

We have *PROCESSES* that are performed on *PARTS* which are done on *MACHINES*.

Multiple processes can be performed on the same part, some processes require multiple parts, and most parts can fit in multiple machines.

I've been using the "Valid IF" to create a three-tier dependent dropdown. I've got a spreadsheet with 3 columns called "pairings" that matches, processes to parts to machines. For example:

Sleeve Bearing > Shaft > Small Lathe

However, Valid IF enforces those pairings, where I would simply prefer them to be pre-selections. There are times when perhaps the shaft is larger, and we need it in a larger machine. Small Lathe might be the default, but I would like to be automatically selected, but "Large Lathe" to still be an option.

I've got a couple dozen of these process pairings done (3 items per - part, process, machine) and I'm hoping to fix this.

What would be the best way to do this? I don't want the hard enforcement of a "Valid IF" as much as preselection from my pairs of what the obvious machine/part/process combos are, with the ability to change the machine if needed, or the part if needed.

Is this possible?

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put your dropdown expressions in Suggested Values, not Valid -if

Suggested values doesn't seem to work like the dependent dropdowns. I need the suggested values to have *at the top* what is currently there from my Valid-If dependant dropdown. Is this possible? Suggested values just seems to not have any order to it, whereas dependent dropdown certainly does get it's information from my three column table.

I am not sure what you mean. Suggested values give you a dropdown list just as a Valid-If expression does.



AppSheet's automatic inference of dependency across drop-downs probably applies only to Valid if. Try adapting the "the full underlying AppSheet expression" expression from Dependent drop-downs - AppSheet Help and using that in Suggested values.

This makes a lot of sense because I wasn't getting the desired behaviour with just copying the valid if code down to the suggested values. Will try this and see if I get the desired behaviour, and then accept if it works!

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