Determining rows exported to CSV

So I have an action that allows users to export rows (filtered or otherwise) to a CSV file.

What I want to do now is after the user exports the rows, the value for a column for those rows will be automatically changed by the app (to something like "Exported" i.e. to denote the status that the row has been exported).

Is there a way to know which rows were exported by the user? Is there another way they can export to CSV that allows this follow-up action to be done?

0 2 102

If you look at the Audit History, you get some data.

Since I am not on Enterprise plan, I do not know if the platform gives you an easy way to analyze the filter conditions captured in the log...

Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can answer this.


If there is no easy way, there are still things you could do depending on how you are letting users select rows to export.

One way maybe to have a selection filter table from which you go to a filtered view for export. Along this path, you can capture the filter condition for your own audit log.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

I also solicit other ideas from other community members.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I don't believe you can do what you want using the built-in filtering, but you may be able to if you implement your own filter.

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