Different view names based on value of a column

Hi there!

I need to make my app "multilanguage". What is meant is that user should have "switch language" toggle button and view names and column names in views should be translated to different language.

I've already implemented this toggle button as an enumerator value in "User Settings" view that has 2 values "French" and "English".



This view shows up only to the user that is logged in and shows only his settings. In Google Sheets it is just a table with email and language columns. Example:



Also, I've already implemented translation of column names based on the "language setting" that was set by user.



But, I'm stuck at translation of view names. View names cannot be set as formulas unlike columns.

Maybe someone has already implemented something similar? 



Solved Solved
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Have you taken a look at the display name setting of views?


The following tip may also be of interest to you

Multilingual Starter App w/ support for 106 Langua... - Google Cloud Community

Feature: Changing the language in your app (locali... - Google Cloud Community



Super, that is exactly what I need, thank you!

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