Display multiple total column


Please can someone explain how you display multiple row columns?  The group aggregate only allows for one column at a time. 
I have an inline table ux that groups quotes by month. I have the total aggregate for quote amount but want the table to display totals for other columns so that I can display the monthly aggregate amount





0 5 285

Hey man,

it's simple, you can add multiple Group By's 


Hi Denny
Thanks for the reply. I chatted to the help desk and they say you cant have multiple aggregates. You only have the option to show one aggregate column.

6:06:58โ€ฏAM Sanchit: I understand your concern. However, this feature is in the pipeline and the engineering team will surely work on it and you definitely get an update through the AppSheet community announcement page to track new feature releases.
6:07:33โ€ฏAM WeDo Security: do you have an idea how long
6:08:53โ€ฏAM Sanchit: Unfortunately, we do not have any precised date or time for this feature release but you will surely receive an update. 
I deeply apologize for the inconveniences caused due to this. 

Is there a way I can work around this as I really need to break down my analyses into monthly and total aggregates



The app only allows me to display one aggregate for the month



Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @AntoineM 

You may want to create a table "month".

enter all of the months entry.

Create a virtual column for each quote, with type Ref, source table "month", that will allow you to say: "this quote belongs to this month"

You should see a new virtual column auto-generated in table "month", such as [Related Quotes].

Then, in table "month", create a virtual column that will sum for each column you wish to display.

For example, for quote total:

SUM([Related quotes][quote])

Similarly, for expenses, you will have: 

SUM([Related quotes][expense])

For reference:

SUM() - AppSheet Help

Build list dereferences - AppSheet Help


Thanks Aurelien
Im trying out your way and its working. just not how I envisaged it to work. Im playing aroung with Dashboards as I may get the desired results using a filter view

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