Display name when using LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW


Can I have a view name for each view when using LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW. At the moment it only comes up with the name of the view that is being linked to. I have attached a screen shot where I have entered a display name but it doesnโ€™t show up.



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Platinum 4

The name displayed here:


Is determined by the value or expression of the viewโ€™s Display name property:

The viewโ€™s Display name expression does not inherently know anything about how the user got to the view, so thereโ€™s no ready way to write an expression that reflects which view the user came from or which action was used to get there.

Thanks Steve,

Iโ€™ll give the view it links to a generic name then


Just to add a bug I think Iโ€™ve found semi-related to this Steve, if you use the expression โ€˜LINKTOFILTEREDVIEWโ€™ with a view name that is part of a column formula, it doesnโ€™t let you set row conditions in the same way as when you are entering the view name without the [ ] tags.

For example, thisโ€ฆ
LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW([View], [Department] = โ€œSalesโ€)

will not work, however the expression naming the view manually, like soโ€ฆ

LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW(โ€œIncident Registerโ€, [Department] = โ€œSalesโ€)

works fine. The error I get is that Appsheet canโ€™t find the column [Department], which tells me that in the former example it is not looking for columns within the referenced view table, whereas in the above working example it is going to that view, and then finding the column. Is this not a bug? Iโ€™ve used the [_THISROW] command ([_THISROW].[View]) to see if that would fix the problem and no luck unfortunately.

This isnโ€™t a bug, itโ€™s just how the function works. If you want different views conditionally, youโ€™ll have to wrap LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() in a conditional:

  "View 1", LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("View 1", ...),
  "View 2", LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("View 2", ...),
  "View N", LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("View N", ...),

Yes, itโ€™s cumbersome.

Thanks Steve, it would have never occurred to me to try the Switch function to get it working. Brilliant stuff man.

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New Member

Would be neat to update LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW to have another optional argument for display name. Kind of like the update to UNIQUEID for UUIDs.

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