Duplicated image file / corrupted signature file

I developed an App that generates a lot of signature files. Those signatures images are supposed to be displayed in a google sheet cell (https://help.appsheet.com/en/articles/961605-displaying-images-and-documents). The problem is that sometimes (very rarely) the signature image is not loaded correctly. I noticed that when this happens, a second signature file is created with the same name in my signatures folder, wich appears to be corrupted.


To solve this problem I have to delete the duplicated file (the one wich appears to be corrupted) and wait a couple hours so my signature image can be loaded again in my Spreadsheet.

Does anybody have a clue why are those duplicated signature files appearing and what can I do to solve this?


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Hi, sorry to hear you have trouble with your signature files. Are your file names exactly the same? The timestamp is the same? Iโ€™m not able to verify that from your printscreen.

Hi, Aleksi.

Yes, they both have exactly the same name and timestamp. The corrupted file have the size of 0 bytes though.

When I try to view the image in this link (https://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName=TesteSIS-Executante-687156&tableName=Malha...) I see only a white background.

Normaly when I use this link I can see the signature in a black background.


Hi, Aleksi.

Would you have any tip for me to try to solve this problem?
again, its a very rare situation.

Hi, sorry I have missed your reply. Would you please send an email to support@appsheet.com with details below so we would able to check this signature issue more deeply, thanks.

Please add these details:
#1 - Your account ID number
#2 - App name
#3 - Corrupted table/column name
#4 - The device type you have used
#5 - OS version of that device
#6 - Appsheet version number

Thanks for the reply, Aleksi

Iโ€™ve just sent the e-mail

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