Dynamic Column Names

Is there a way to derive the column names from another table? I have an app that has different column names based on the language selected in the User settings. I can individually use SWITCH to change the display name of each column in the display expression but I ws wondering if I could choose a column name from a table dynamically depending on language selected. It will greatly reduce my work. Thanks.

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I normally create multilinguage apps like this..

The translation table contains ID column, few columns one for each language. Then one virtual column called "Label" that picks the correct column value depending on the language selection in Usersettings.

Then you can read the column name with the display value like. LOOKUP("ColumnName",Translation,ID,Label).

Another way is to have each values with the same ID and filter all rows away with the security filter except the selected language with Usersettings.

But that still means I have to do this for every column, right? It will be the same expression but used for every column in the display name box

Yes unfortunately. If we could read the column name dynamically with the CONTEXT() as we can read view names, then we could use exactly the same formula with all columns.

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