Dynamic quantity field

Hello community,

I need some consulting how to implement the following:


I want to create a form from the table [ORDER] where I can chose products from a table [PRODUCTS].

  • The table [PRODUCTS] hast the following Attributes: productID, name, price.
  • The table [ORDER] has the attributes orderID, Products and totalPrice.


My Problem:

I want to create an Order-form where I can select items from the product list (enum list) one by one, AND as user input I need the quantity of each selected product, so I can calculate dynamically the total price of the order. This is like a classical Invoicing-App


My problem is, I do not know how to handle the quantity-field. This must be dynamically available for each selected item from the product enum-list.


So If I select 2 items from the product list, then I need two quantity fields, when I select 5 items, I need 5 quantity fields for each item of an order.


Thank you for any suggestion and help.


Kind regards,



0 6 265

You need a third table for a "many-to-many" relationship. Look that up. Also do some reading on "data normalization".

Hi Marc,


I know data modelling and developped already couple of apps for clients. But never seen a concept how my problem would work in Appsheet.

"I know data modelling"

It doesn't sound like you do. Did you try to search those terms that I provided?

I already found a concept how this is done in Appsheet.

Thx for helping out.



can you share your solution ? thanks

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