'ENCODEURL' is not supported in formulas

Hello everyone,

Someone knows why when I try to use ENCODEURL in AutoCompute > Spreadsheet formula the App crashes with "app did not load sucessfully" and send me a message saying:

"Unable to fetch app definition. Error: The spreadsheet for "Recebimento" uses an unsupportes formula. Excel function 'ENCODEURL' is not supported in formulas."

How is this possible if I normally use this formula in Google Spreadsheet like, every day?

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Guys, first thanks for the support.

I found the solution, my mistake was to import from my PC an excel in .xlsx format to create my database.

To fix this, just open the file and select:

File > Save as Google Sheet

Another file will be created on the drive, just correct the source path in the data field.

View solution in original post


First of all, why do you need to use a "Spreadsheet formula"?

If you don't understand fully what that does, please read:

Spreadsheet Formulas | AppSheet Help Center

App Formulas and Initial Values | AppSheet Help Center

Hi SkrOYC,

I've an image column type (called by Foto Nota Fiscal), and to simplify my acess for the image I created in another column (Link Imagem) an expression that write the hyperlink to image directory, that was my first try:

Auto Compute > App Formula:

CONCATENATE("https://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName=",ENCODEURL("RGIS-Amyris-2245916"),"&tableName=",ENCODEURL("Recebimento"),"&fileName=", ENCODEURL([Foto Nota Fiscal]))

There is my result when I press the test button in formula field:


But that's my result in table:



The filename don't compute, so my solution it's put the expression in AutoCompute > Spreadsheet formula field, like this:

"https://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName=" & ENCODEURL("RGIS-Amyris-2245916") & "&tableName=" & ENCODEURL("Recebimento") & "&fileName=" & ENCODEURL(+RC[2])


However, when I use spreadsheet formula the app crashes saying:

"Unable to fetch app definition. Error: The spreadsheet for "Recebimento" uses an unsupportes formula. Excel function 'ENCODEURL' is not supported in formulas."

You say you use this function all the time in Google Sheets, but the error you are showing mentions Excel. Which spreadsheet are you actually using? According to the documentation here ENCODEURL function this function is not available in Excel for the web or Excel for Mac. Also, any spreadsheet formulas are evaluated in the data source, so personally I enter them directly in the spreadsheet, I find it far easier to test them that way.

Guys, first thanks for the support.

I found the solution, my mistake was to import from my PC an excel in .xlsx format to create my database.

To fix this, just open the file and select:

File > Save as Google Sheet

Another file will be created on the drive, just correct the source path in the data field.

Also, just to add to this conversation. It doesn't makes too much sense to add a Spreadsheet formula if AppSheet has an expression that can do that.

ENCODEURL() is a function inside AppSheet, you can use it on Initial Value/AppFormula and basically anywhere there is an expression assistant option

Yeah, you're correct SkrOYC.

However, when we put an expression in the application's initial value/appformula it's not written the value of referenced column.

Look at my first try:

Auto Compute > Initial Value/App Formula:

CONCATENATE("https://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName=",ENCODEURL("RGIS-Amyris-2245916"),"&tableName=",ENCODEURL("Recebimento"),"&fileName=", ENCODEURL([Foto Nota Fiscal]))

That's my result in table:


Note that the end of result line is "...&filename=", it's not written the ENCODEURL( [Foto Nota Fiscal]).

Could you provide more context around your expression?

Also, it clearly can't be done via Spreadsheet formula since it's taking values from columns

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