Edit the view Details at Dashboard

Hi, is there any way to edit the Detail view from a dashboard?

when i select some datas at chamados REF and it apear on the side at details, i want to edit it.
If i click at edit on the top, i me able to edit the chamados ref.

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Apply quick edit for the columns you want to update on detail view.

i already set quick edit, but only work at first view โ€œChamados REFโ€

How did you get that screenshot page?

Looks dashboar view, but i see the cancel save button on the buttomโ€ฆ

yes, when i press edit at dashboard only edit the first view

That QuickEdit feature only applies to Table views, not Detail views. You need to go to your appropriate Detail view, and add in entries to the โ€œQuick edit columnsโ€ section.

Ty, that its!!!

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