Email Attachment from Bulk Actions


I'm new to AppSheet, and I'm working on an inventory app for a college course that can use QR codes and barcodes for configured data options. I have a form where users can add new items, edit items, or bulk select items for actions.

Problem: I want users to be able to bulk select rows, submit, and then receive an email with a printable PDF with the bulk selected row information (screenshot below).  I can get as far as sending the email, but I am only getting one row of data in the emails.

Bulk Select View:


I have been able to create a bot that sends an email when a single row is edited, but I am struggling to create the email template to show all of the rows that were selected in the bulk action.

If it helps, I am able to generate a list of the rows that I would like to add to the PDF that will be attached to the email.

I appreciate the help.

Thank you,



For reference:

Appsheet Table: (EmailList is a virtual list column. Formula: SELECT(Barcode[ID], [SendEmail]=USEREMAIL()))


Google Sheets:



Email: (Would like all selected in one email)

Current Template:


Actual Email:




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You have to mark the records in some way. I typically use a [flag] column for this. On your bulk-select, run an action on all selected rows that sets the [flag] to some value. Then in your template, use a START expression to output all marked rows.


Thanks for the help. I was able to figure the email part out using the <<Start:>> and <<End>> expressions. Now what I am struggling with is only sending one email instead of one for each row that triggers the bot.

For example, the user selects 4 rows to be included in a single email, but this triggers the bot 4 times.


I created a list that contains the column data of the rows that are selected and have a condition that I am testing out as seen in the screenshot below.


Lastly, I would like to get rid of is the 5-minute delay, which is only in place to allow for all the rows to sync. Is there a way to use user syncing status in an expression?

Thanks again for the help.




You should have an additional Action to trigger the Bot, separate from your flagging Action. That'll fix both of your issues.

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