Email PDF Report


Hi Guys, How can I send email with PDF of this table with specified date range?

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Do you want the PDF to be created based on user input? As in, the user inputs the date range and the PDF is created and sent?

If this is what you are wanting, one way is to create a helper table with a field for start date and a field for end date (probably some other fields too, including a key field).   Then create a virtual column that displays the matching data using a select() or filter() expression.

You then create an automation bot that is triggered by a change in the row in your helper table. The bot would send the PDF. You'll also need to create a PDF Template for the data.

You can even create an action that triggers the data change that the bot is looking for. Like a Send Report action with a button that changes a field from FALSE to TRUE for example. You would have the bot looking for a data change where the field must equal TRUE.

Best place to start is with a sample app. Have a look at this one as I think it achieves what you are a looking for:

I use this approach all the time and it works great!

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