Enabling automated notification for white label apps

Iโ€™m now converting my app to white label app, with firebase for cloud messaging enabled. I had deleted the app sheet app and installed my new white label app. Now the automated notification which is set in the app, is not working. Neither the notification works nor it shows in error. But if I install appsheet again then the notification set for my new app is functioning. Any Idea on how to make it work for white label apps, without appsheet app installed.

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Wow. I had no idea that Iโ€™d lose functionality if I go with White Labeling. Are there other things that wonโ€™t work in a White Label app that I should be aware of?

I donโ€™t know, Iโ€™ve never used White Label apps, I just have a good memory of random Appsheet Help articles that Iโ€™ve seen before.

I appreciate your good memory. The app Iโ€™m about to white label is actually very simple so it may not have anything that will need work arounds.

Nah, nothing other than that, Itโ€™s all functioning well. Just the notifications arenโ€™t working. My question is, am I the only one trying to do this and getting failed or is it generally like that?

Great, Thanks! I already knew this, and it works perfectly fine on sending notifications through Users > Broadcast Notifications. My question is the notifications automated by workflow, that is not getting published. If you find any ways to make this work, kindly share it over here. Thanks


I got exactly the same issue and I donโ€™t know where to look at.
Did you solve it at your side ? Any update please ?

Thanks in advance

Please contact Support for help with this.

same issue here.

go to contact support

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