Error 403 in automation when sending HTTP request for only specific user


I have an application that allows me to trigger an HTTP request to a server that I control with arguments coming from the data line.

So far everything has worked perfectly, but today for some mysterious reason the request doesn't seem to send anymore.

The strangest thing is that the problem exists only for my account on the application. Other users do not have the problem. For my account, it worked perfectly before.

Here is the error (visible in the Monitor tab in Appsheet) : 

{"Exception":"Webhook HTTP  request failed with exception The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. ","Task Type":"Webhook","Task Name":"Task for Envoi requรชte serveur Python"

I'm monitoring the server, so I can see that the request didn't even get sent, or at least wasn't received. For other users it works perfectly, the error is only present when I (creator of the app) try to make the requests.

When the request is working, the log is as this one : 

{"Response":"Requรชte traitรฉe","Task Type":"Webhook","Task Name":"Task for Envoi requรชte serveur Python"

The Task is this one : 


How to explain that everything works normally for the users but not for me?

Solved Solved
3 10 1,681

I worked around the error by doing the same as the solution to this question , i.e. not using the webhook in AppSheet but by calling a custom script that launches a function that makes the request.

I think there is a problem on the Appsheet side on how http webhook works.

Anyway mine is solved, in the end this method is more reliable I think.



View solution in original post

Guys, I just received a notification that the problem was resolved by Google Support Team. It workd on my end, so you can check your apps.

View solution in original post


I have the same issue. First it stopped working for one account and today it stopped for another one. I am running out of aacounts... 

Need help ASAP

I worked around the error by doing the same as the solution to this question , i.e. not using the webhook in AppSheet but by calling a custom script that launches a function that makes the request.

I think there is a problem on the Appsheet side on how http webhook works.

Anyway mine is solved, in the end this method is more reliable I think.



I'm having exactly the same problem. It worked perfectly before. Obviously this is a bug. Very annoying.

I raised a problem with google support team and they assured me that they are currently working on it.

Thank you so much. I'm facing the same problem. It's so annoying, especially since it worked perfectly before. 

I've been having the same problem since last week

How can such a significant / app breaking bug stay unfixed for such a long time?! Aren't people losing money because their app is unusable now?

Guys, I just received a notification that the problem was resolved by Google Support Team. It workd on my end, so you can check your apps.

Thanks for letting us know!

Thank you it's working again

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