Error in created file path


I programmed to generate excel file in a folder called 'reportes' (see image taken from the bot)



with the following filename (Disable Timestamp? in on)



Now, in the 'generar planilla' table, I configured the file type column with the following  file name:



The bot works correctly, it creates the file in the 'reportes' folder with the desired name, but when I open the file from the app get the error:


'/reportes/planilla8091b391.xlsx' not found
Probable cause: N/A
      Path: Root
      Result: FAILURE 
      Message: N/A

I have tried to put the full path from /appsheet/ but it doesn't work either.


Tanks for the help

1 10 219

The path should be relative to the datasource

This is the setup.


The 'reportes' folder is located in 'dimensiones-1001007724'

The file is generated in the correct folder with the correct name, but I still can't open it from the File type column from the app 😞

Problems like these are notorious

  • The problem is likely one tiny little fiddly bit that's out of place

Finding that one little thing is always - ALWAYS - a pain

Check check check - then re-check... because something somewhere is off

Recently I made a LINKTOROW("View", [Key]) instead of LINKTOROW([Key], "View").
It was a pain to debug until I saw what was wrong 😆

We should dedicate a post just for this kind of stupid mistakes

Also check that your default app folder path is correct

See my reply to SkrOYC. Thank you.

Change the CONCATENATE("/reportes/... to CONCATENATE("reportes/...

@SkrOYC wrote:

We should dedicate a post just for this kind of stupid mistakes


Made a channel in the discord server Small moonwalker.gif

Haha! I'm not a Discord kind-of-person but appreciated!

I created the discord server as a place for more... non-work related stuff.  I thought it would be a better place to put more "personal" type things, that aren't really related to AppSheet or learning or what-not.

More of a digital hang out.   A digital water cooler... if you will (^_^)

But I feel ya @SkrOYC 

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