Error or not? I have an action that is only executed for a limited number of records

I have 2 Tables, not related...
1. Filtro Cuota
2. Alumnos Cuotas

In the "Filter Cuota" table,  capture the values that will be replaced in the "Alumnos Cuotas" table.

When the data is captured in the "Filtro Cuota" table, a boot is triggered which calls an action that updates the data in some columns of the "Alumnos Cuotas" table

The problem is that when there are many rows selected, it simply passes the seconds and does nothing, but when there are few rows it works correctly.

I think it's because I'm using the lookup, how could I make it work without using the lookup.


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It would be best to show us what you have implemented in the Bot so we can properly access what the issue is and propose changes.
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