Event data change not working - please advise


Please assist as I am having a problem with a BOT EVENT expression not working. This EVENT is set as DATA CHANGE and for Updates (see below) 


Expression is  [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Total Points]<>[_THISROW_AFTER].[Total Points]

The 'expression assistant' test feature shows that the BEFORE number/data is not captured and is the showing the same as the AFTER number/data?


I have configured AppSheet events extension on the google sheet for that sheet

There are no monitor errors (metrics tab) and the bot hasn't run (runs tab)

The test button data shows the event as TRUE so I believe it should have fired


When I press execute (blue button) it works and triggers the process.


However it doesn't work automatically when the data changes after an app sync? 

Thank you.

0 5 82

Did you go to the automation monitor to see if the event was received? See the Troubleshoot section in the documentation here https://support.google.com/appsheet/answer/11520310?hl=en#:~:text=Configure%20AppSheet%20events%20on....

Hi Markus

Thank you for the support.

The automation monitor is not showing the event as received when the column updates. If I execute the event via the test function 'execute' then the process does trigger, but it does not register in the automation monitor. I have also gone through the troubleshoot section without success.

Thanks again.


Update - executing the event via the test function 'execute' does register in the automation monitor, however it still does not register when when the column is updated.

Event triggered via 'test' function



Is [Total Points] a virtual column by chance? If it is, an on data change event will not register, only if it is an actual column.

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