Expression for bot-generated PDF's name

Hi there appland,

I hope everyone is well. I am struggling with an expression, I am sure it will something obvious which will make me embarrassed.

I have created a bot to generate a PDF when something gets edited, and I have created the following expression for the file name:


It worked for the first 2 or 3 entries and then files started being named as "AppSheetDoc" instead. 

I have another bot which is working perfectly and the expression is:

CONCATENATE ("RM23","-",[Stage #], " " , [Start], " to " ,[Finish])

Unless I am missing something here both expressions are structured exactly like each other. 

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

Thank you! 


0 5 100

The same way it had mysteriously stopped working, it is now working again. Problem solved, not the mistery.


From a Bot Try this idea:


Why are you doing this: 

"RM23","-",[Stage #]

When you could just do this:

"RM23-",[Stage #]


@TedM wrote:

"RM23-",[Stage #]

You are correct




I think it must be an IQ issue ๐Ÿ˜‚ it is so obvious now that you mentioned it. @Izzat_Safrah I had done just that, it worked for a few minutes and then it didn't for a few hours. Then it did again. Now that the 2 of you pointed it out I have quite  a few expressions to simplify across a handful of apps.

Thank you very much!

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