FILTER(Template, [Template_ID] = tks) selects ALL rows, why?

I tried to change only the rows with tks, but my action changed every Package_ID to "1".

FILTER(Template, true) selects ALL rows.

FILTER(Template, [Template_ID] = tks) also selects ALL rows. How?



Select all rows that fit property



Change the Package_ID of those packages







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@random9 wrote:

FILTER(Template, [Template_ID] = tks) also selects ALL rows. How?

What is the data type for Template_ID?  If it is a Ref column, are the values shown in your table the Row Keys?

I don't think it should make a difference but I always wrap text literals in quotes :

FILTER(Template, [Template_ID] = "tks")

Other than that, the values in your actions don't match your results so it is a bit confusing if these were the actual actions you used or some other actions that might actually have an issue.  Can you clarify?

View solution in original post

SELECT will work...just not as written.  Need to insert the Row Key column before the comma.  


SELECT(Template[Row Key], [Template_ID] = "tks")

This is equivalent to the FILTER() 

View solution in original post


@random9 wrote:

FILTER(Template, [Template_ID] = tks) also selects ALL rows. How?

What is the data type for Template_ID?  If it is a Ref column, are the values shown in your table the Row Keys?

I don't think it should make a difference but I always wrap text literals in quotes :

FILTER(Template, [Template_ID] = "tks")

Other than that, the values in your actions don't match your results so it is a bit confusing if these were the actual actions you used or some other actions that might actually have an issue.  Can you clarify?

Good call for the type of Template_ID: It was a number in a different table, now I changed it to Text.

Quotes for literals don't make a difference. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

FILTER(Template, [Template_ID] = "tks")


Select(Template, [Template_ID] = "tks")


Select does not work. I did put the tks in quotes though.

SELECT will work...just not as written.  Need to insert the Row Key column before the comma.  


SELECT(Template[Row Key], [Template_ID] = "tks")

This is equivalent to the FILTER() 

Again, thank you very much!

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