Failed: Webhook HTTP request failed with exception The remote server returned an error: (400)

Good day


May you kindly assist. I am facing this error when updating appsheet records in google sheets


{ "$type": "Nirvana.Data.TaskResultWebhook, V2API", "Headers": { "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib],[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "applicationAccessKey": "", "_webhookActionDepth": "0" }, "Payload": "{\"Action\": \"Edit\",\"Properties\": {\"Locale\": \"en-US\",\"Location\": \"47.623098, -122.330184\",\"Timezone\": \"South Africa Standard Time\"},\"Rows\": [{\"Product ID\": \"BRA02\",\"Available Stock\": \"44\"}]}", "Url": "", "Verb": "Post", "ContentType": "JSON", "MimeType": "application/json", "TimeoutSeconds": 180, "MaxRetryCount": 5, "AsyncExec": false, "AppErrors": { "$type": "Jeenee.DataTypes.AppErrors, Jeenee.DataTypes", "RecordInfo": false, "RecordWarning": true, "AnnotateErrors": false, "Errors": [] }, "TaskType": "Webhook", "TaskName": "Add Stock"

0 1 102

The message details seem to be incomplete and do not specify the error.  We will need more details to be able to help with this.

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