Feature Request status

Short of asking @Aleksi or posting to this forum, just wondering how one can know the status of all Feature Requests that have been submitted,

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I found the solved and unsolved categories but not sure if that is updated/reliable or if there needs to be more categories.

We do have internal road map but Iโ€™m afraid itโ€™s not publicโ€ฆ at least not at this moment.

I am not asking for any internal roadmap but rather the current state of every feature request submission. For example, Accepted, Rejected, In beta, Released. If released, a link to the documentation would be nice.

New Member

Hi Bellave,
Thank you for your question and interest in Appsheetโ€™s future.
I have not been very active in the forum yet, though I read every post daily. My name is Thierry Dโ€™hers and I have been hired by Praveen a couple month back to run engineering for Appsheet.
You are right that we have not been very good at reporting back to the community on progress on various feature request. That is something that we should definitely do a better job of. We have had many venues for receiving customer feedback and suggestions and are only now really getting to a place of having a unified database and mechanism internally for tracking, selecting and monitoring feature progress. Being a small startup everything has been done very organically and informally. As a result we didnโ€™t have a good mechanism for tracking things internally, much less reporting back to the community. That is something Praveen, Peter and I have been working on addressing shortly. One caveat I will say though, is that feature request are never really declined (unless they really make no sense), they are either being built or in the backburner waiting to be picked when the time comes (when we have resources available for it and it makes it to the top of the list). So it is likely the feedback mechanism will be something like โ€œIn progressโ€, โ€œreleased in Betaโ€ (like OCR or Snapshot), in the โ€œback burnerโ€. But what is probably going to be missing from what you want, I suspect, is when and where is it in the backburner pool. And that is harder for us to communicate because the pool of feature in our back burner is fluid and things change for various reasons.
Sorry for the long winded answer. Does that make sense to you?

Hi Thierry,

Thanks for taking the time to respond in detail to my query. Indeed, the feature requests are large in number and there are limited resources so I understand what you are saying. I have been working with AppSheet for a very long time and this has been the case all the while and I am very familiar with the platform so if I want to know if something is possible, I would simply try out something to see if it would work. As the platform has gotten more and more feature rich, it becomes harder to do that and therefore we must rely on documentation and communication from your team.

I understand that you may not be able to or want to tell us where a specific feature request is in the queue but I would be happy with a little more granularity such as what you have in mind - viz., โ€œIn progressโ€, โ€œreleased in Betaโ€, in the โ€œback burnerโ€.


Hi Jayaram,
Fair enough. Itโ€™s on us to help guide the community on getting ready to receive new features.

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